Words to live by:

"With man this is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I love teenagers.

I have a heart for teenagers.
I love the way they are uninhibited, laughing hysterically, silly, into new trends, making new trends, facing life, fearful of life, ...loving life.
I think back when I was one of those...teenagers.
And then I get scared...
Lordy, Lordy...I was all of the above, but you can also add: fearless, risk-taker, dreamer, wild & crazy, knew no limits, took chances, "do now...think about it later" kind of...well, teenager, and then some (years that is).
Don't get me wrong. I was who I am now, in my heart...but just a lot more "none the wiser".
Oh how I had so much to learn! Yes, I thought I knew it all...boy did I!!!!
But guess what...I was wrong. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. There, I said it. Yes, it's hard to admit it...but it's simply the truth. Just wrong...right about a "few" things, wrong about a lot.
I was indestructable...living life to the fullest.
Making CHOICES...one at a time.

This is where things started taking directions, with choices.
Choices...big ones, little ones, a lot of them...I made them all.
Some were good, some were bad...and then,
Some were just plain...

I'm almost 46 years old now...I've learned so much. And I have a lot more to learn.
In fact, I can bet, that I'll never stop learning.
This is where teenagers come in...
If I can help in some very small way...help them, steer them, guide them, advise them. Stop them from doing some of the things that so many of us (45) year olds look back and regret.
I don't live in total regret...I have made some wonderful choices along with the not so wonderful ones...but I've learned something---much--- from them all.

So here goes:
1. You don't know everything. I'm sorry to break this to you---it shocked me too. But, as much as I hate to admit it...it's true. Just take my word for it---please!
2. Since you don't know everything... stop long enough to actually listen to heartfelt advice from the people you repec; those that have high morals and Godly character. Find someone to trust, talk to them (an older, wiser person), let them help you...be patient, open-minded...and PRAY.
3. WHen you think you're 22 years old and time is running out to find that "perfect" one...STOP! Relax! It's not to late! Wait for the person that is perfect for you. GOd has a plan. He wants YOU to find that perfect one...made in HIS image, just for you! They're out there. Be still and know that God has a plan. 
     --Don't lower your standards.
     --DO NOT try to chage them! This will NOT work! They are who they are...if you don't like them this way, then think twice---three times---!!!ugggghhhhh
     --Don't change yourself FOR them. The day will come when you want yourself back! You are who YOU are...God gave you certain traits, personality, and talents that you should expand on. If you try to change for someone to please THEM, the day will come when you miss yourself...and that will be a sad day, (for you.)
     --WHen you find that "special one" look at their family...it's the total package. For real.
     --Find the one who you REPSECT and the one who RESPECTS you. If you don't know what respect means: Webster states that it is... high or special regard. When you look at that person, you should respect their character, their morals, their habits, their talents; you should respect every part of them.
     --Here goes...respect yourself enough to wait. (you know what I'm talking about) God made this part of marriage a very sacred event between a man and wife. Save yourself for the one,,,"THE" one. This is so important but so hard to explain...It's just what God intends for us to do and it should be held to the highest standard. It's meant to be special...a bond...for that ONE person. After marriage. Not before, "well-we're gonna get married anyway...well, I love him/her, so why wait..." No! Don't fool yourself. It is plainly stated in God's Holy Word. Wait. Each person should respect the other with this decision...mutual...just do it: save yourself, that is.
     --Marriage = support, encouragement, respect, admiration, lifting-up, sacrifice, selflessness, trials, victories, sharing, caring, patience, pride, and of course----GODLY LOVE.
4. Remember that it only takes ONE CHOICE to change your life forever. Don't play the game called "Do it now, worry about it later..." that outlook often ends up in a lifetime of "looking back". Think ahead...
5.  Be careful in all you do. You are not the "only" one it won't happen to. You are NOT indestructable.
6. Set goals...small ones each day...don't think ahead until you reach the one in front of you. Reach your goals. You will be proud.
7. Achievment is important! Strive to be the BEST YOU can be...you may not be "THE" best, but you CAN be "YOUR" best...Be proud of yourself. Do the things you would be proud of...the things that you see other people doing and you say : I wish I were more like that....be someone that YOU"RE PROUD OF.
8. Be a dreamer. Dreamers were the ones who gave us the "internet highway"..the way I'm writing this to you now....it's possible that YOU could be "THE ONE"! Go for it! Step out there...raise the bar...You can do it! It's a big, big world...with endless opportunities for all of us. Don't settle. Reach for the stars! And lean on the MAKER of the STARS.
9. There is a right AND a wrong. BOTH come with consequences. Be careful which one you choose...you will always endure the outcome of a choice.
10. Be caerful about what you LOVE the most...is it "things"??? Eventually, these "things" will stop satisfying...the most important things in life are not....THINGS. Love one another.
11. Last but not least...in fact, it's the most important thing in life: Trust GOD. He created you. He loves you. He wants the very best for you. He will Help you. Make sure he is in EVERY decision you make. Please Him. It's really simple...but yet so very hard...do the things that please Him, and don't do the things that you would be embarrased to do in front of Him. If He walked in the room with you, would you be ashamed? would you fall to your knees in complete and utter AWE and wonder, looking in the eyes of YOUR Savior? or would you even know it was Him?
I love teenagers.
Actually, not just teenagers...

These are my thoughts,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Speak from my heart...

I've thought all day about what I should write tonight. I know the subject...I've just tried to figure out exactly the right words to say. I guess the best thing to do, is what I always do...speak from my heart and not from just my head.

There is someone special in my life...I will refer to this person as "them, they".

I am a better person because of them.
I am 45 years old and I look back through the years and know they've always been holding my hand...when it was small and as it turned big.
Through everything they've been there...never judging, never leaving, never missing.
I would love to be able to say that I was always there for them as well, but I can't.
Because I wasn't.
I'm sorry.
There were times when it would've been understood if they had walked away from me, left me alone, given up on me...
but they never---ever---did.
NEVER. Not Once.

They always gave me credit, support, encouragement...on all that I have ever chosen to do.
I don't think I deserve all that I have been given by them. 
As hard as life got, they never gave up, never gave in, never complained.
And it was very, very hard at times.
They've been alone--lonely--a caregiver--a single parent--a professional--an encourager--a nurse--a teacher--an unconditional, loving friend. They've been all of these things.
At every event, every ballgame, every birth, every sickness, everything that they needed to be at--they were there...everysingle time. Never complaining...just glad to be able to do it.
I admire you.
A smile, a tear, a hug...they knew when each of these was needed.
A firm hand, a "whoopin", a scolding...they knew when these were needed too.
I've always known, and I know to this very day that all I have to do is call...and they are there.
They will put everything down just to talk to me, to help me, to love me.
They are selfless and giving and compassionate.

There have been many empty years...between us, but deep inside our souls, we've always known a stronger bond---a silent bond. We are lucky. We are blessed.

And the most important thing...
this is who taught me how to love Jesus...
to count on Him, to lean on Him, to live for Him...and it was taught not only by words...but mainly and most importantly...
by example.
I look up to you...I count on you...i think of you...I pray for you...

My constant and forever my Hero and dearest friend...
I love you!

My mother...

These are my thoughts,

Monday, February 21, 2011

Something I was thinking about...

Something I was thinking about today:

I think about what God expects from me throughout each day. This may seem weird to some people out there...and it wasn't the way I lived my life for many years...but now, it is (and has been for quite some time). I can promise that my life is very different than it was before.
I do things I never did, and I "don't" do things I used to do. It's just a different way to spend my time here on Earth.
Something most people don't understand is that it's not about "NOT" doing certain things...it's about doing things that PLEASE God. There are so many people that don't turn their life toward God because they're not "ready" to give up certain things...but that's just not the way it is.
God wants you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE...right now.

I was talking with a dear friend today...we were talking about the misunderstandings surrounding so many aspects of being a Christian...
*Being a Christian doesn't mean that you will instantly become "perfect".
 You are, and always will be, a sinner. The difference is that as a christian, you are forgiven.
*Being a Christian doesn't automatically give you a  right to pass judgement to others...instead, your  heart should be filled with compassion for those that don't understand.
 Don't pass judgement-- try to pass on what Jesus did for you...think about it...it was infact Jesus himself, that said: "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."...and then they hung Him on a cross and watched him die, while they laughed in his face...pretty deep, huh?
*Being a christian DOES mean to be Christ-Like. Jesus asks us to be like Him, to follow Him, to do as He did. As silly as it sounds..."What Would Jesus Do?" is quite profound.  We should teach the things that Jesus asks of us to those that don't have that knowledge...this can be taught by our actions AND by our words...
*Being a christian DOES mean you will go to heaven to spend eternity...GOD's word states clearly that "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." So, everyone is eligible...but it is a CHOICE. Those that do not call upon the name of the Lord to become LORD of their life, will not enter heaven. You do not get to heaven through good works alone...you must know Jesus as your Savior. That's what it says...and it's nothing but the truth.
*Being a christian does not give you a permit to be "mean"...why is it that some "christians" are so mean? GOD IS LOVE...if He lives inside you, how can you be mean? Don't fool yourself...God knows your heart better than you do...(cough cough)
*Being a christian does not mean you get to "PICK" your sins, or "PICK" what part of God's word you want to live by...it's a BOOK from front to back...it's a law...it's all in there. Don't alter it, leave out, put in, assume, "maybe it means"...it's written in black and white (and red)...just read it and then live it...simple huh?.
*Being a christian means living with God's standards. Be careful, His standards are pretty high...in fact, to Him---hate is murder and lust is adultry...(oh dear).  In fact, "favoritism" is considered a sin...(it results from evil thoughts-it insults poeple made in Gods image-it goes against Gods definition of Love-it shows a lack of mercy to those less fortunate-it is hypocritical-it is a sin.) So...some things as simple as favoritism are sin and murder is sin...and to God...they're equally as bad as one another..all sin is measured the same...not one is more or less than the other. By the way...He will talk to you about these, all the things you did in this life that is, before you spend eternity with him...it's not my word...it's His. (CHOKE)
*Being a christian doesn't mean LIFE will be EASY. Life is Life...there will be problems-obstacles-mountains-valleys-victories-challenges-worries-tragedies---but there is a promise...Jesus can hold your hand through all of it...good AND bad. He will be there with you...ALL THE TIME.

That's a lot to swallow. So I'll stop for now.
I'm just thinking...that's all.
SO, in other words...These are My Thoughts.